Adrian Vatter

Adrian Vatter (born 1965) studied economics and political science at the University of Bern, where he received his doctorate in political science in 1993. He then completed a post doc at the University of California at Los Angeles. After founding his own political consulting and research firm in Bern and working as Research Assistant at ETH Zurich and the University of Basel, he earned his post-doctoral habilitation at the University of Bern, where he became Assistant Professor for Policy Analysis and Evaluation in 2001. Thereafter he was a professor at the Universities of Constance (D) and Zurich from 2002, and since 2009 he has been Director of the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern and holder of the Professorial Chair for Swiss Politics. He consults for various parliamentary bodies of the Swiss Confederation, among other clients.

Select publications:

The Input and Output Effects of Direct Democracy: A New Research Agenda (Mitherausgeber, 2019); Das politische System der Schweiz (3. Auflage, 2018); Swiss Federalism. The Transformation of a Federal Model (2018); Handbuch der Abstimmungsforschung (mit Thomas Milic und Bianca Rousselot, 2014); Richterwahlen in der Schweiz, eine empirische Analyse der Wahlen an das Bundesgericht von 1848 bis 2013 (mit Maya Ackermann, 2014); Mehrheitstyrannei durch Volksentscheide? Zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen direkter Demokratie und Minderheitenschutz (mit Deniz Danaci, 2010); Politik und Evaluation (Hrsg., 2005); Kantonale Demokratien im Vergleich. Entstehungsgründe, Interaktionen und Wirkungen politischer Institutionen in den Schweizer Kantonen (Habil., 2002)
