Category Archives: a) Impacts and radiation from the American Revolution to the founding of modern Switzerland in 1848 on the legal culture of the United States

2.1 Swiss and the American Revolution

James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Revolution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p.13 – 23

 A_2.1_HUTSON_Swiss and American Revolution

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2.2 Der Einfluss der Schweiz auf die amerikanische Verfassung von 1787

Paul Widmer, Der Einfluss der Schweiz auf die amerikanische Verfassung von 1787, in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 1988, S.359-389, full text


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2.3 The Federalist

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, The Federalist/ Papers, exerpt: The Federalist, No. 19: Madison (with the assistance of Alexander Hamilton), Bantan Classic edition, reissue 2003, p. 106-112

A_2.3_HAMILTON_Federalist 19

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2.4 The Antifederalist

The Antifederalist, writing by the opponents of the Constitution, ed Herbert J. Storing, Chicago and London 1981, exerpt: a text of 28. March 1788 by a farmer, p. 265-272


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2.5 Swiss and the American Constitution

James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Constitution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States, from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 24 – 31

A_2.5_HUTSON_Swiss and American Constitution

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2.6 Memorandum on Louisiana Purchase

Albert Gallatin, Memorandum on Louisiana Purchase (1803), in Melvin I. Urofsky/ Paul Finkelman, Documents of American Constitutional History, Volume I, 2002, p. 162-165, excerpt

A_2.6_GALLATIN_Memorandum Louisana

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2.7 The Economic Takeoff

Gordon A. Craig, The Economic Takeoff, excerpt, in The Triumph of Liberalism, Zurich in the Golden Age 1830 – 1869, New York – London, 1988, p.95 – 120

A_2.7_CRAIG_Triumph Liberalism

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