Marc Amstutz

Born: 1962Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-13 um 23.19.53

Nationality: Swiss

Education and professional activities:

Professor Dr. Marc Amstutz is a tenured professor for private and commercial law as well as legal theory at the University of Fribourg’s Law Faculty.

After graduating from the University of Bern and earning his Doctorate. from the University of Zurich, he obtained his LL.M. from Harvard Law School and, subsequently, was a visiting scholar at Boston University. He received his Habilitation (Venia Legendi) from the University of Fribourg in Private- and Business Law and in Sociology of Law.
Since 2006, Professor Amstutz has been of-counsel to a Zurich-based law firm. Prior to the latter, he was engaged in the practice of law for several years.
Professor Amstutz has published widely in the areas of business and commercial law (especially in competition law) as well as legal theory. His current research focuses on the evolution of law in a transnational context.

List of publications:

Gauchs Welt, Festschrift für Peter Gauch zum 65. Geburtstag (co-authored by A. Koller, J. Schmid and H. Stöckli), Zurich 2003.

Die vernetzte Wirtschaft: Netzwerke als Rechtsproblem, Zurich 2004.

Europäisches Privatrecht: Ausgewählte Richtlinien (co-authored by P. Pichonnaz, T. Probst and F. Werro), Bern/Athens 2005.

ius.full: Fallsammlung (co-authored by G. Biaggini, A. Furrer, A. Kley, A. Peters and V. Roberto), Zurich 2005.

Vertragsnetze: Rechtsprobleme vertraglicher Multilateralität (co-authored by G. Teubner), special Edition KritV 2-3, p. 101-290, 2006.

Walter R. Schluep, Einladung zur Rechtstheorie (co-authored by F. Zulliger), Bern et al. 2006.

Verantwortlichkeit im Unternehmen: Zivil- und Strafrechtliche Aspekte (co-authored by M. A. Niggli), Basel 2008.

Commentaire Romand: Code des Obligations II (co-authored by P. Tercier), Basel 2008.

Networks, Legal Issues of Multilateral Co-operation (co-authored by G. Teubner), Oxford, Portland 2009.

Schweizerisches Kartellrecht im 13. Jahr nach dem Paradigmenwechsel (co-authored by W. A. Stoffel and P. Ducrey), Zurich 2009.

Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht – Wirtschaftsrechtliche Nebenerlasse: KKG, FusG, UWG (Art.2-8) und PauRG, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2010.

Basler Kommentar: Kartellgesetz (co-authored by M. Reinert), Basel 2010.

Europäisches Privatrecht (co-authored by P. Pichonnaz, T. Probst and F. Werro), 2nd Edition, Bern 2011.

Die Praxis des Kartellgesetzes im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Ökonomie (co-authored by I. Hochreutener and W. Stoffel), Zurich 2011.

Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht (co-authored by P. Breitschmid, A. Furrer, D. Girsberger C. Huguenin, M. Müller-Chen, V. Roberto, A. Rumo-Jungo, A. K. Schnyder amd H. R. Trüeb), 2nd Edition, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2012.

Kartellrechtspraxis: Missbrauch von Marktmacht, Verfahren, Revision (co-authored by I. Hochreutener and W. Stoffel), Zurich 2013.

Kritische Systemtheorie, Zur Evolution einer normativen Theorie (co-authored by A. Fischer-Lescano), Bielefeld 2013.

Wettbewerbsrecht: Entwicklung, Verfahrensrecht, Öffnung des schweizerischen Marktes (co-authored by I. Hochreutener and W. Stoffel), Zurich 2014.

Recht in Recht-Fertigungen, Ausgewählte Schriften von Rudolf Wiethölter (co-authored by P. Zumbansen), Berlin 2014.