Walther Hug

Born: 1898Walther Hug

Died: 1980

Nationality: Swiss

Education and professional activities: 

Professor Dr. Walther Hug studied law and economics at the universities of Zurich, Berlin and Bern. In 1924, he earned his Doctorate in jurisprudence by completing a dissertation on the law of termination with August Egger.

In 1932, he became a full professor of private and commercial law at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). As rector of HSG, he promoted the development and expansion of law at the University of Social and Economic Science with great effort and commitment; he also strengthened its reputation beyond national borders. Even during his professorship at the ETH Zurich, he remained connected to HSG as President of the Swiss Institute for Market Research and Economic Structure. After his retirement from ETH Zurich, he was “Professeur invité” at the law faculty of the University of Geneva for a two-year period. During his lifetime, Professor Hug established a foundation (the “Professor Walther Hug Stiftung”) for the promotion of jurisprudential research. The Foundation`s resources contribute to the “Walther Hug Prize”, which is awarded each year to authors of the best Swiss jurisprudence research dissertations.

List of publications:

Verhandlungen des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins, Basel 1936.

Probleme des kollektiven Arbeitsrechts in rechtsvergleichender und rechtspolitischer Sicht, in: Kleine Schriften zur Sozialpolitik und zum Arbeitsrecht, Volume 2; No. 3, Munich 1953.

August Egger und das Schweizerische Recht, Zurich 1956.

Die Sozialgesetzgebung in den Bundesstaaten und in den überstaatlichen europäischen Gemeinschaften, in: Kleine Schriften zur Sozialpolitik und zum Arbeitsrecht, Volume 3; No. 12, Munich 1960.

Kommentar zum Arbeitsgesetz. Fonds zur Förderung der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Sozialwissenschaften, Bern 1971.

Ausgewählte Abhandlungen zum Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Band 1: Beiträge zum Arbeitsrecht. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag des Verfassers am 14. April 1978, Bern 1978.