Christine Kaufmann

Born: 1962Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-14 um 19.22.59

Nationality: Swiss

Education and professional activities:

Professor Dr. Christine Kaufman studied law at the University of Zurich and finished her legal studies in 1987. From 1987 until 1991, she worked as an assistant for Professor Daniel Thürer, who held the Chair for public international law, European law, constitutional and administrative law. In 1990, Professor Kaufman received her Doctorate. (summa cum laude) based on a dissertation with the title: “Hunger als Rechtsproblem – völkerrechtliche Aspekte eines Rechtes auf Nahrung”.

Professor Kaufmann worked at the National Bank of Switzerland from 1991 until 2000. As a member of the EFTA expert groups on financial services and free movement of capital and services, she represented the National Bank in negotiations about the European Economic Area. From autumn 2000 until 2001, she was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan Law School, USA, where she obtained her Habilitation on the subject of the relationship between international labor laws and international financial and economic institutions. Following her return to Switzerland, she took over a new position with the World Trade Institute (WTI) at the University of Berne as director of legal research.
On 1 October 2002, Professor Kaufman became an assistant lecturer at the University of Zurich; subsequently, on 1 September 2003, she became an Extraordinary Professor for constitutional, administrative and public international law.
Professor Kaufman has additionally served as the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich since 2014.

List of publications:

Whose Law Is it Anyway? – Taking Multistakeholderism Seriously, in: Polis und Kosmopolis – Festschrift für Daniel Thürer, Giovanni Biaggini/Oliver Diggelmann/Christine Kaufmann (eds.), 2015, p. 375-384

Transparency and Monetary Affairs, (co-authored by Rolf H. Weber), in: The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs, Thomas Cottier/Rosa M. Lastra/Christian Tietje/Lucìa Satragno (eds.), 2014, p. 462-489

Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte – Anatomie einer Beziehung, in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, Sonderheft in Erinnerung an Prof. Yvo Hangartner, AJP/PJA 5/2013, p. 744-753

Geld- und Währungsordnung, (co-authored by Patrick Götze), in: Andreas Lienhard (ed.), Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht, vol. X: Finanzrecht, Basel 2011, p. 79-170

Wann baute Noah die Arche? – Vermögensverwaltung als Akteurin einer nachhaltigen Marktentwicklung, (co-authored by Mirja Ciesiolka), in: Peter R. Isler/Romeo Cerruti (eds.), Vermögensverwaltung III, Zurich 2010, p. 1-32

SNB und FINMA in neuen Rollen?, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (SZW) 2009, p. 418-427

Poverty, Hunger and International Trade: What’s Law Got to Do with It?, (co-authored by Mirina Grosz), in: German Yearbook of International Law vol. 51 (2008), p. 75-109

Haftung für mangelnde staatliche Aufsicht im Finanzmarktbereich, (co-authored by Rolf H. Weber), in: HAVE 3/2008, p. 6-12

Integrierte Finanzmarktaufsicht – Rechtliche und ökonomische Beurteilung des FINMA-Projekts, (co-authored by Rolf H. Weber/Hans Geiger/Ronnie Schmitz and Anselm S. Trott), in: Dieter Zobl/Mario Giovanoli/Gérard Hertig (eds.), Schweizer Schriften zum Bankenrecht, vol. 82, Zurich 2006

Die Schweiz und die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO), in: Richard Senti/Andreas R. Ziegler (eds.), Die Schweiz und die internationalen Wirtschaftsorganisationen, Zurich 2005, p. 137-152