Hans Nef

Hans Nef, born on 3 November 1911 in Herisau, died on 6 January 2000, has been the son of a docent for philosophy and literature. During his studies he signed as a member of the so-called “Kampfgruppe gegen den geistigen Terror”.

In 1936, he obtained his doctorate based on a dissertation thesis entitled “Recht und Moral in der deutschen Rechtsphilosophie seit Kant” from the University of Zurich. At the same University, he handed in his habilitation thesis in 1939 and got the venia legendi for legal philosophy and public law. In 1946, he was nominated ordinary professor and between 1967 and 1978 he signed as the president of the very same University.

Selected Works of the Author

Hans Nef: Recht und Moral in der deutschen Rechtsphilosophie seit Kant, Dissertation Universität Zürich, Fehr: St. Gallen, 1937; Idem: Demokratie und Richtigkeit des Rechts, in: Zentralblatt für Staats- und Gemeindeverwaltung, vol. 8 (1947), Nr. 17; Idem: Das Werturteil in der Rechtswissenschaft, in: Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, N. F. vol. 86, H. 2, Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1967.