Fritz Rittner

Born: 1921

Died: 2010

Nationality: German

Education and professional activities:

Professor Dr. Fritz Rittner began his studies in law and economics at the University of Rostock in 1940. In 1949, after the war years and time spent as a Soviet prisoner of war, he continued his studies at the University of Bonn. Professor Rittner successfully completed his 1st state examination in 1951 and his 2nd state examination in 1956. He also received his Doctorate in 1956 with a paper entitled, “Ausschliesslichkeitsbedingungen”.

Thereafter, in 1959, he obtained his habilitation with a final paper entitled “Die werdende juristische Person”.
In 1959, Professor Rittner became an Extraordinary Professor at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, a public research university located in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was appointed as a Professor Ordinarius in 1960; and, he subsequently became the director of the Institute for Business, Labor and Social Security law. In 1983, Professor Rittner became a Professor Emeritus.
Professor Rittner has published a number of educational books, in various editions, on the subject of commercial and economic law.

List of publications:

Die Ausschließlichkeitsbindungen, Düsseldorf, 1957.

Unternehmen und freier Beruf, Tübingen, 1962.

Die handelsrechtliche Publizität, München, 1964.

Die werdende juristische Person, Tübingen, 1973.

Wirtschaftsrecht (Lehrbuch), 2. Edition, Heidelberg, 1987.

Rechtsgrundlagen und Rechtsgrundsätze des öffentlichen Auftragswesens, Tangstedt/Hamburg, 1988.

Unternehmerfreiheit und Unternehmensrecht zwischen Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Laborismus, München, 1998.

Europäisches und deutsches Wirtschaftsrecht (co-authored by M. Dreher), 2008.

Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrecht (co-authored by M. Kulka, M. Dreher), 2014.