Biographies of authors

Biographies of authors

The biographies of authors are an important feature of Swiss legal culture, as represented in this primarily text based anthology. They are an essential and integral supplement to the texts.

The sources of the biographies are identified at the end of the text. Some biographies have been penned by the authors.

4.1      James Hutson
4.2      Paul Widmer
4.3      Alexander Hamilton
4.4      James Madison
4.5      John Jay
4.6      Gordon A. Craig
4.7      Albert Gallatin
4.8      Johann August Sutter
4.9      Blaise Cendrars
4.10    Stefan Zweig
4.11    Heinz K. Meier
4.12    Raymond Probst
4.13    Alan Dershowitz
4.14    William Rappard
4.15    Louis Menand
4.16    Stephen Jay Gould
4.17    Alexis de Tocqueville
4.18    Karl W. Deutsch
4.19    Alfred Kölz
4.20    Johann Jakob Rüttimann
4.21    Emilie Kempin-Spyri
4.22    Evelyn Hasler
4.23    Wolfgang Wiegand
4.24    Jens Drolshammer
4.25    Regina Kiener
4.26    Raphael Lanz
4.27    Peter Böckli
4.28    Heinrich Koller
4.29    Heinz Aernisegger
4.30    Peter Nobel
4.31    Peter Saladin
4.32    Daniel Frei
4.33    Thomas Cottier
4.34    Dietrich Schindler junior
4.35    Detlev Vagts
4.36    Stuart Eizenstat
4.37    Thomas Maissen
4.38    René Matteotti
4.39    Xavier Oberson
4.40    Nedim Vogt
4.41    Arthur T. van Mehren
4.42    Peter Murray

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